Suttas references about four stages enlightenment, magga phala and nirodha samapatti

Greetings Viveka :anjal: :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reminder and information. I’ve found answers to my questions in these two wonderful threads: :anjal:

I must say the policies on this forum are great, and the more I am here, the more I am seeing how useful and skillful they are, thank you all for making and keeping it :anjal:
From now on I’ll always do thorough search before I post a question. I’ll also do my best to respect all forum policies. :slight_smile:

In this topic, I have one question: how users and mods of this forum relate to answering in old threads, for example 1 or 2 years old?
I ask because on some forums it is criticised as “necroing” old threads and they preffer to create a new one.
But from your messege I infer that it is good to keep discussions in one place? If you could please tell me what would be best solution in a situation when I want to add something or ask about for example on subject of four stages of enlightenment, should I create new thread or respond in the existing one already?

With metta :anjal:

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