Suttas where Buddha travels to pinpoint one person

Hi friends,

I am looking for specific examples from suttas where Buddha travels to just one particular person (or being) and offers them a targeted teaching specifically tailored to their understanding. I know there is at least one instance, but I cannot recall it now. In my investigation this has been a very inspiring theme. Thanks, may you be well.

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How about MN62, The Longer Advice to Rāhula - there is no specific traveling mentioned there but the advice is to one person.

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Alone, he traveled to the forests where Angulimala dwelt. MN86

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Apart from those that have already been mentioned:

  • The story of Patacara in the Therigatha or verse 113 of the Dhammapada
  • The story of Yasa in the Mahāvagga
  • The story of Bahiya in Udana 1.10
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So you are looking for suttas only where he travels? sn22.84 he is helping one monk, but the monk is brought to him.

an6.55 the Buddha travels to Ven. Soṇa.

SN 21.1 Kolita, SN 40.1 Savitakka, AN 7.61 Pacalāyana are about the Buddha helping Ven. Moggallana.

SN 22.87 Vakkali the Buddha goes but not using psychic powers. SN 35.74 Paṭhama Gilāna, SN 35.75 Dutiya Gilāna are similar, with unnamed monks.

AN 8.30 Anuruddha is also quite famous.

You can find these in the CIPS under Buddha, the and look for the various “visiting” sub entries. (note: may not work on mobile or old devices)

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Ambalaṭṭhikā Rāhulovāda Sutta (MN 61) to Bhante Rahula

Cūḷa Rāhulovāda Sutta (MN 147) Buddha helping Rahula achieving Arahantship.

Quote : "I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then, as he was alone in seclusion, this line of thinking arose in the Blessed One’s awareness: “The mental qualities that ripen in release have ripened in Rāhula. What if I were to lead Rāhula further to the ending of the effluents?”

Dhātuvibhaṅgasutta MN140 which Buddha travelled specifically to help former King Pukkusati to learn Dhamma before his demise.


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