'Tayo samādhī' and 'aparepi tayo samādhī' (DN33/DN34)

If you can quote and point out where I’m being disrespectful, I’ll rephrase my writing.
I am so very appreciative of all the phenomenal work, time and energy Bhante Sujato and the team behind suttacentral have put into making a free translation available to the world. The merit from that is enormous.

But it’s important to deliver an accurate and correct translation. Now much of translation is up for debate, and IMO the majority we do not have criteria for coming to an objective conclusion of “correctness.” But as far as V&V (vitakka & vicāra) of first jhāna goes, it has been shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that B. Sujato’s translation is incorrect. There is a detailed pali + english audit trail, and you don’t have to know pali to see and follow the reasoning.

It’s better to be clear and honest than polite. And when it comes to Dhamma, all that matters is the truth. When people start prioritizing politeness, respect, and harmony, over truth, then you can almost guarantee the Dhamma is going to go the way of corruption. Just look at the changes undergone over time in the EBT through Theravada and Sarvastivada.

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