Technical Question: Finding a Sutta by its Name

Yes, that is a difficult issue.

The problem is that there are different numbering systems for Suttas. The numbers you mention seem to belong to a rather old system that refers to volume and page numbers of a particular printed edition, namely the PTS (Pali Text Society) edition. In the time of internet this seems a bit outdated, but especially among scholars it is still widely in use.

Fortunately there are people who have built some tools to address this. One of them is for example this PTS converter.

If I enter for example “A.V, 333”, I get AN 11.12. It even links to the Sutta in root language and translations on SuttaCentral! (This is the first time I use this converter, and I am impressed!)

Have fun to find the other Suttas too! :pray:

More discussion of the topic is here.