Text selection/Quotation feature

Some more thoughts on it, and again I would suggest that we are better off just getting rid of the Flash component completely if that is possible. Reasons:

  1. Flash is being deprecated on mobiles.
  2. When I copy something, I highlight it and copy. That’s a behavior I’ve done thousands of times. I understand it and it makes me happy. “Click to copy” is not a behavior I’m used to. I don’t trust it, and it makes me think, did that work?
  3. Yes, you save a tiny bit of effort using “click to copy”, but so what? It’s not like you’re doing this hundreds of times. Simple, reliable, and predictable are more important.
  4. The only place it would be really helpful would be on touchscreens. But most touch devices don’t have flash anyway.

So I’m still thinking just have the popup and copy it the normal way, sans flash.