The aggregates of clinging to dukkha or is it still “everything that is formed is dukkha”?

This is exactly what the Buddha was pointing to when he said that the disappearance of the Dhamma will be due to the fact that people will stop inclining their ears to the Buddha’s Dhamma and will begin to listen to teachers instead of his Word. SN 20.7, AN 5.49 ( also DN26, AN5.88, AN 4.180)

These teachers are not Buddhas, they are conditioned by their craving and ignorance. Even an arahant does not have all the teaching abilities of the Buddha and sometimes cannot convey the meaning of the teaching. For example, when describing his mind, in which there are no clinging and obstacles, no limitations or identifications with the world, he means the state of lifetime nibbana, but another person will understand this as a description of the eternal shining atta hidden in every being. I choose Buddha. I don’t choose teachers (if they contradict Buddha). They say Ajahn Maha Bua loved to cry with emotion in connection with the Dhamma. And guests came to Ajahn Manu - Buddhas with a retinue of arahants (?!). Think about it - who do you give your preference to and who do you rely on.