The Aspect of No-Change

Hi @Green,

Thanks for your reply. Something of what you said reminded me of this talk by ajahn chah:

There are questions about the translation of that talk, so best to consider that in light of the accompanying discussion:

The detached mind is just the mind which has not given rise to an attitude or mentality yet. It has not taken birth yet because it has not grasped thoughts, emotions, longings etc. It is not sophisticated, no jhana, not artificial, not a heightened mind, but very very sober and we experience it all the time.

i’m not sure if you’re talking about mundane calm and mindfulness here, or something more.

either way, i suspect if you continue to practice seeing all things (aggregates, sense bases, sense objects, contact, craving, the elements) as impermanent, your mind will come to a point where it sees that this view of ‘i’ is false as well.

i don’t know if any of that helps but it’s been interesting reading your comments.

best wishes.