The Buddha's instructions on debating

Instructions on debating ? Western buddhism of today is dominated by the english culture which is highly anti-debate. It’s probably the most anti-debate culture in the world. Proof for this is the almost complete lack of any meaningful debate between western buddhist monks. Another proof is the fact that many western buddhist hold the opinion that debates are bad and should not happen at all: EBTs’ take on debates

Ancient India was a place with a highly pro-debate culture, they even had a “debating hall” in every village where buddhist monks were encouraged to go in order to get more people towards right view. People would constantly debate and the loser would lose all his disciples to the winning side. This is why buddhism managed to become the dominant religion in most of India in just 150 years. Buddha encouraged monks to engage in debates many times in the suttas. He said they should periodically refute those who have wrong views. That is the biggest favor you can do to a person. There is no gift bigger than the gift of dhamma.

The problem with the anti-debate english culture is the incredible clinging to views people have in today times if they are from the english-speaking world. It’s a totally different attitude than people had in ancient India. Back then, people were eager to debate and change their views if they were defeated, being super-happy that they found the truth and will progress faster on their spiritual path. A very open and honest attitude that made progress very easy.

Every culture has good characteristics and bad characteristics. There is no culture that is perfect. The downside of english culture is being in the uttermost extreme of politeness and anti-debating, very different from continental europeans to say nothing of ancient India. And western buddhism is dominated by it. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a debate between 2 western buddhist monks.

If we will look through the sutta-quotes I posted in that topic: EBTs' take on debates
We will notice Buddha was anything but an englishman