The Dhamma , Veganism and Vegetarianism

See the Malthusian trap, it always resets itself no matter how much progress we make in technology. Basically, humans will fill up any new capacity or space created by technological advancement, thus bringing us back to square one.

Changing the system won’t do anything, as the root cause is greed, and you need the noble eightfold path to deal with that root cause, anything other than that is a superficial and temporary band-aid.

Not everyone accepts Buddhism, so, you can’t fix samsara, you can only try to save yourself and your loved ones, as if you were on a sinking Titanic. To think you can fix samsara, is to assume yourself to be wiser than the Buddha, which means you doubt the Buddha’s wisdom (fetter), as he is the wisest being in the universe. He originally inclined to seclusion like a Paecceka Buddha (which the average Buddha is, only a rare Buddha is a samma samBuddha) before Brahma begged him to teach the dhamma, which he did so very selectively by surveying the landscape for who is capable of understanding.

edit: Also I would say Aggana Sutta illustrates the Malthusian Trap perfectly: SuttaCentral - Beings are always craving more and more.