The Milindapanha by Nyanatiloka—with a hand-written dedication

Here at Sirisampanno, Ven Tisarani showed me her 1st edition copy of a German translation of the Milinda, by the renowed early monk, Nyanatikoka.

It’s published in two volumes. The first was finished in 1913, but not published until after the war, in 1919. Interestingly, the first volume is very arts-and-crafts, with apparently hand-lettered fonts, special illustrations, and a careful aesthetic down to the details of the typography. The second volume is still nicely done, but much more basic in style, lacking the artistic flair.

The second volume includes a personal note from Ven Nyanatiloka, beautifully hand-written in German. I got a kick out of this, maybe you will too.


Wow! Thank you for posting!

Do you have any idea to whom the note was addressed? It starts with “Your Revered Excellency!” and was obviously written in Switzerland (Lugano).


Translation is incoming!


I’m amazed that it is written in normal German and not the old German language and writing. That made it much easier to read. Because of the header I’m thinking of a priest or maybe a prince?

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Here is the text and translation courtesy of the Sirisampanno Sangha (venerables Tisarani, Sirinanda, and Tissa). They say that “one or two phrases remained a bit unclear, but the result you can find below should come at least very close to the original letter.”. the consulted with the neighbours, who are elderly and familiar with some obscure phrases.

The books were acquired by Ven Tisarani from an antique bookshop. Since the letter is addressed to an unidentified (?) “your excellency”, perhaps it passed from the collection of the recipient to the bookseller.

Sugamo, 27th Dec. 1924

Your Excellency,

I take the liberty of sending you the promised second volume of my “Milinda” as well as two lectures I held in Tokyo, of which the second is already known to you. Since both were written without my prior knowledge (from Vappers’ transcript), I was unfortunately unable to make any corrections, so, for example, in the first lecture there appeared sentences that were actually intended only for the Japanese interpreter and were dealt with very briefly.

I have long wanted to pay you a visit and simultaneously consult with you regarding my planned return to Ceylon in the fall of next year, as well as regarding a matter of compensation. However, I have not yet managed to do so. After my return from Kyoto, to which I will be traveling tomorrow, I will take the liberty of visiting you.

Allow me, Your Excellency, to extend my best wishes for the New Year.

Yours sincerely,

(Sugamo 636)

Sugamo, 27.12.1924

Sehr geehrte Exzellenz,

ich erlaube mir, Ihnen den versprochenen 2. Band meiner “Milinda” sowie zwei von mir in Tokyo gehaltenen Vorträge zu übersenden, von denen Ihnen der zweite bereits bekannt ist.
Da beide ohne mein vorheriges Wissen geschrieben wurden (von Vappers Niederschrift) konnte ich leider nichts dazu verbessern, sodass z.B. der erste Vortrag in dem eigentlich nur für den japanischen Dolmetscher bestimmten kurz abgehandelten Sätzchen erschienen ist.
Schon seit langer Zeit wollte ich Ihnen einen Besuch abstatten und gleichzeitig Rücksprache nehmen betreffs meiner für den Herbst nächsten Jahres geplanten Rückreise nach Ceylon, ebenso meiner Schadensersatzsache, bin aber bis jetzt immer noch nicht dazu gekommen.
Nach meiner Rückreise von Kyoto, wohin ich mich morgen begeben werde, werde ich mir erlauben, Sie zu besuchen.

Gestatten Sie, verehrte Exzellenz, meine besten Glückwünsche zum neuen Jahre.

Sehr ergeben,

(Sugamo 636)

In fact it seems it was Sugamo in Japan.


It’s not so easy to decipher for my old eyes.

Oh that makes much more sense! Yes, right! I was already wondering whether I had deciphered “Kyoto” correctly … :laughing:

Traveling between Switzerland and Japan at that time would hot have been possible within one day, I guess!

Thanks to the Sirisampanno sangha for the transcript and translation! :heart:

That now really captured me! Is it possible that he wrote to an archbishop? Was there such an exchange (religious) during that time? As far as I’m aware in the 1920’s were not many people allowed to be called “Exzellenz”.
These days it’s a bit more widespread

Thank you for sharing and translating!


If you haven’t read it yet his biography is quite an interesting read. You can download it for free here:

This should probably be “from Ven. Vappa’s transcript”. Ven. Vappa often stayed with Nyanatiloka and they were together in Japan as well.


Looking more closely, he says “von Vappos Niederschrift”, not “Vappers”.

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The Venerable did have a substantial financial supporter in Switzerland though, as he mentions in one of the forewords to his AN edition.

He was, of course, also Bhikkhu Bodhi’s most important teacher and the one to introduce him to translation. BB stayed with him at the Forest Hermitage in Candy, Sri Lanka until his death.

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Was this not Ven. Nanaponika?


Yes, and Ven. Nyanatiloka was Ven. Nyanaponika’s teacher.


Yes, you are right, I confused them.


Yes, I believe they attended the 6th Council together in Burma? The first westerners to ever do so.

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Anyway, he completed his AN translation while under arrest at a police station in China (due to Visa or diplomatical issues I believe). Until this day the German forword reads “Hankow Police Station”.

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I would have to re-read their biographies to be sure about this one.

This was due to some world wars happening. Ven. Nyanatiloka was in Sri Lanka which was controlled by the British. He was German, so an “enemy”, and therefore arrested. He spent much time under arrest during both world wars, while Ven. Nyanaponika “only” had the second.

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Your Excellency is the way you’d address an ambassador. (Still in use today.)

Since he wants to discuss with him about travel arrangements and some legal issues, I think that’s quite likely.