The Path(s) to Awakening

in MN 9 distinguishing between wholesome and unwholesome which forms the basis of following the precepts is also classified as the Right view

then there’s the stock formula of mainly the wrong view, from which the right view can be inferred, but which at a number of places appears also in positive mode explicitly describing the right one

He holds right view and has a correct perspective thus: There is what is given, sacrificed, and offered; there is fruit and result of good and bad actions; there is this world and the other world; there is mother and father; there are beings spontaneously reborn; there are in the world ascetics and brahmins of right conduct and right practice who, having realized this world and the other world for themselves by direct knowledge, make them known to others.

AN 10.211, AN 10.216

to the satta bojjhanga i believe yoniso manasikara is worth being added as a precursor according to you own citation from SN 46.13

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