The point of no return

I don’t believe there are any prescribed limits to this :slight_smile:
One can keep putting the causes and conditions in place till awakening.

We also live in a propitious time for making dhamma connections even while physically far away - this forum for example. As such, the resources needed are available regarding teachings :slight_smile: The internal work is always done alone and in seclusion anyway - so that is not a limiting aspect.

My favourite Sutta certainly sets no limits as a result of wandering alone - Like a Rhinoceros :slight_smile:

And while looking for that one I stumbled across this one which may also be of use :slight_smile:

And also this topic may have some interest in it :slight_smile:

And lastly, a beautiful Sutta describing what is necessary to progress in the path - even if one has no alms bowl or robes :slight_smile: