The relativistic physics of the gods

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? - Wikipedia

Did the ancient Christians somehow get the idea from our suttas? Or just some coincidence? Haha.

In the Eye of a Needle | Miniature Museum (

Anyway, let’s do some physics.

Pin Head Comparison & Scale Of Nature (

It seems that the minifigures are on the order of magnitude of 100 micrometers.

Bacteria - Size, Shape and Arrangement (

The largest bacteria seems like 2 micrometres. So if devas are single-celled beings, then they can very nicely fit onto the point of a needle even. As speculated here. Is Buddhism consistent with Science? - #8 by NgXinZhao

I still doubt this possibility. It seems to casual to suggest that devas are killed when we use hand sanitiser.

Or the other possibility mentioned above is that devas are neutrino beings, which has no issue resizing themselves due to not being subjected to electromagnetic laws.