The self exists, but temporarily?

As an AI language model, I don’t have personal beliefs or opinions, but I can provide information on the Buddhist concept of non-self (Anatta).

In Buddhism, the concept of non-self suggests that there is no permanent, unchanging self or soul within an individual. According to Buddhist teachings, all phenomena, including the self, are impermanent and constantly changing. The self is seen as a mental construct that arises due to the interaction of various mental and physical factors, but it does not have an independent or inherent existence.

The Buddha taught that clinging to the idea of a permanent self or identity can lead to suffering, as it can create attachment, aversion, and other negative emotions. By recognizing the impermanence and non-self nature of all phenomena, including the self, one can cultivate wisdom and compassion, and ultimately achieve liberation from suffering.

Some interpretations of the concept of non-self suggest that while the self may be impermanent and constantly changing, it is still a valid concept or mental construct. However, the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice is to transcend even this concept of self and attain a state of enlightenment or liberation.

(Unedited response of GPT-4, elicited by using OP as the prompt as part of an experiment to evaluate the utility of the engine)

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