The Social and Psychological fields - Arts or Sciences?

It doesn’t, not like it does with physical sciences that have concrete phenomena to measure and describe. The trouble with people is that their behavior is the only thing that lends itself to scientific methods. We can describe it scientifically, but not much else. I suppose it’s somewhat like quantum mechanics and cosmology. When we leave the domain of the human senses, science breaks down. It requires verifiable observations to prove theories, after all.

I would say psychology is essentially applied philosophy of mind. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s very much based on cultural norms. And, yes, I’d say that rabbit hole leads straight to the Achilles heel of modern society. We’ve aggrandized and focused on the technologies derived from physical sciences and let wisdom and social intelligence wither away. Those things are what ancient civilizations excelled at because it was the key to making the transition from barbarism to civilized society.