Three kinds of concentration?

Hey Guys,

I’m sorry if I can’t help much with theoretical knowledge but I would like to share my knowledge regarding this.

I’m a BrahmaVihara Practitioner and these are the thing that I’ve been going through.

While I sit in meditation, happiness arises in me. This is the 1st Jhana.
Here my mind become clear without any distraction and body feels light. This is the 2nd Jhana.
Here my body feeling starts to fade away [I Can’t feel my Hand and Legs]. This is the 3rd Jhana.
Here the feeling of loving kindness starts to moves up around my head. This is the 4th Jhana.

With loving kindness in equanimity, my head starts to feel light and the loving kindness starts to change a bit softer which is Compassion/Karuna. here, I went to the Infinite Space which is the 1st Arupa Jhana.

With Compassion , in here I saw bright light keeps on clicking, rise and gone. Here with Infinite consciousness I’m staying in the 2nd Arupa Jhana with the feeling of joy which is Mudita.

WIth equanimity/Uppekha in Nothingness, I stayed in the 3rd Arupa Jhana and lot of boring stuff coming up which is the link of dependent origination.

With the 7 Factors of Enlightenment and full of Equanimity / Uppekha, I stayed in the 4th Arupa Jhana which is Perception non Perception. The link of depended origination pops up really slow in here. There is no desire at all in here

Last thing is with the cessation of perception, feeling and mind. Everything Stops!!!

That was my first experience about cessation, only in a few sec.
The next Experience is quite longer and become longer and longer for the 3rd and the rest as I can start to meditate for more than 5-8 hours.

Hope this works for the answer about Emptiness, Signless and Desireless.

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