Three types of Suffering

I change my mind again, due to this:

Thg 248

Those who
for the sake of sacrifice
for the sake of wealth
we have killed in the past,
against their will
have trembled and babbled
from fear.
But you —
you show no fear;
your complexion brightens.
Why don’t you lament
in the face of what’s greatly to be feared

[Ven. Adhimutta:]

There are no painful mental states (domanassa), chieftain,
in one without longing.
In one whose fetters are ended,
all fears are overcome.
With the ending of [craving]
the guide to becoming,
when phenomena are seen
for what they are,
then just as in the laying down of a burden,
there’s no fear in death.

I’ve lived well the holy life,
well-developed the path.
Death holds no fear for me.
It’s like the end of a disease.