Time and early Buddhism

I get you. But I imagined Buddha was manipulating time.

That blog contains many instances of time and Buddhism that I wrote.

There’s no one view of what time is in physics.

Quantum view of time seems to still be like newtonian’s absolute time, that maybe one of the causes of difficulties of merging it with general relativity, which has a radical view of time as something which can be bended and curved.

I am still on the Physics and Buddhism book, which one of the major parts is called Time, the other called quantum.

Within the parts of time, there’s chapters.

The Beginning
Time Scales
The Small
The Big
Devas, what could they be?
Relativity of Time
Special Relativity Time Dilation for Devas
Immediate Rebirth?
General Relativity Time Dilation for Devas
Timelessness vs Nibbana
Arrow of time and Impermance
End of the Universe
Multiple Universes
The Quilted Multiverse
Time Travel and Causality
The Lists of Time Machines
The Laws of Time Travel
Buddhism on Time Travel

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