Updating Nyanantiloka Thera's "Word Of The Buddha"

I think Ajahn Brahm only re-translate the sutta text. Somehow I found & downloaded a pdf of Ajahn Brahm’s translation a while ago. His name was not on the pdf but reading the text along with his talk, it must be his translation. Not sure if it is the latest version. But I can’t find the web page from which I downloaded the pdf. It’s probably somewhere on BSWA.org.

I will include an example here:

[from Nyanatiloka’s book:
(Samm -sankappa)
D. 22 What, now, is Right Thought?

  1. Thought free from lust (nekkhamma-sankappa).
  2. Thought free from ill-will (avy p da-sankappa).
  3. Thought free from cruelty (avihims -sankappa).
    This is called Right Thought.

[from Ajahn Brahm translation:
2. Right Motivation
What, now, is right motivation?
Actions of body, speech and mind, coming from a motive of renunciation, coming from a motive of kindness, and coming from a motive of gentleness.
This is called right motivation.

Hopefully someone knows the link to the latest version.