Using SuttaCentral's discourse forum for the IPPD

Personally I think this is a good idea, but it is beyond the scope of this forum.

Running and moderating a forum requires resources, and while operational costs for a Discourse type forum can be as low as $5 per month, it is really the people who make all the difference.

Apart from your proposal being out of scope I also believe this would put an additional burden to the voluntary moderation team, which is already spread pretty thin (but of course moderators can speak for themselves and correct me if I’m wrong).

In the end, whether D&D is used for this purpose or not can only be a forum owner’s decision, but if you decide to establish your own Discourse forum I’m personally prepared—free of charge—to help you install the software on one of the affordable cloud providers and give you pointers on how to make API calls from your site.