I would appreciate reference to studies, books, dissertation theses that relate both the ontological and strategic aspects of these concepts. Clearly anatta is much more than a simple refutation of an eternal soul that transmigrates through samsara. But I am likely coming up against my deep ignorance of how atman is used as both ontology/liberation strategy in contemporaneous Vedic traditions. Are there any scholarly works like Joanna Jurewicz’s paper “Playing with Fire: The Pratītyasamutpāda From the Perspective of Vedic Thought for atman/anatta?
I want to point out that in the Vedic/Hindu community, especially in modern times, it is a widely held belief that people now, and people in the ancient Vedas, who followed and currently follow Sanatana Dharma (or ‘the Eternal Religion’) can possibly attain Enlightenment by it’s principles, and it was believed that the Vedas contained all knowledge by many. For example Deities like Rama and Krishna are said to be Enlightened Spiritual Masters by far and wide, even Avatars of Vishnu, and the Buddha was believed to be such as well. So there’s a whole other perspective there, and though it may not be a congruent thing for many Buddhist followers of Gautama Buddha’s Dhamma, there is a begging for recognition for these principles, respectfully, from the modern Hindu community, for everyone, including Buddhists. They believed that the Buddha only rejected the Vedas outwardly, due to them being misused during His time. As Buddha is highly respected in Hinduism.
Namo Buddhaya.
All praise to the Buddha, the Teacher of Worlds.