Ven. Ñāṇananda, Nibbana and Phenomenological Existentialism

I do not know if solipsism is a generally accepted world-view in the field of psychology. But even if it would one day become the general view, that would only show how people investigating the mind end up thinking all is mind-made. Just as scientist who investigate form, believe everything is made by form and are generally materialist.

consciousness is what arises from nama and rupa impinging on the sense bases

And on what do sense bases depend ? Why do sense bases arise ?

There is no lasting consciousness- it’s arising and passing away is rapid so that it could be made sense of as being more like a waterfall (water drops appearing and falling away quickly so it has the appearance of a singular object from a distance), than a pond (where the water persists).

I agree and this is the problem explained by Buddha to the fisherman son who believed it is the same consciousness transmigrating from one body to the other. I’ve tried explaining it in a drawing here: Consciousness and no-self (explained in drawings)