Vitakka vicāra (Jhana-factors)

Being the devil’s advocate, does that make you Māra’s advocate? I am not sure I want to mess with Māra’s:wink:

Anyway. Here are a couple of examples off the top of my head. In MN20 we find the expression vitakkasanthāna , the calming of vitakka. With your interpretation this would mean “the calming of the ending of movement,” which might just be possible but seems much more unlikely than simply the “calming of thought.” At AN5.73 and AN5.74 we find the expression bhikkhu vitakkabahulo, no dhammavihārī, which means “a monk who has much vitakka but does not live according to Dhamma.” With your interpretation, having much vitakka would indeed be to live according to the Dhamma.

It’s great that people are interested in Pali. Have fun!