We Cannot Ignore Buddhist Extremism—Lions Roar

Awesome work Brenna, about bloody time this was recognized.

We’ve been blocking nazi “Buddhists” on this site for years. Make no mistake, there is a growing wing of ultra-right extremist Buddhism, and it is present in a monastery or center near you! There’s a broad spectrum from outright nazis—like the anti-semitic monk (since disrobed) who filmed himself making a Hitler salute to a Buddha image—to the merely “concerned”. It touches on incel culture :triangular_flag_on_post:, anti-feminism :triangular_flag_on_post:, anti-vax :triangular_flag_on_post: , fans of Jordan Peterson :triangular_flag_on_post:, opponents of bhikkhuni ordination :triangular_flag_on_post:, transphobic and homophobic views :triangular_flag_on_post:, climate denial :triangular_flag_on_post:, and more. Hotbeds of right-wing extremism will include any monastery or order that denies the equality of women and insists on the absolute and unquestionable authority of its patriarchy.

The foundational principle of this in Buddhism is “elevationism”: we shouldn’t be concerned about “worldly” things, only about the Dhamma. This is code for “the proper state of the world is how I want it to be, and anything else is political”. One of their favorite lines is “don’t be attached to views”, which is code for “bow to my views”. They will compassionately empathize with your stress, and advise you not to “think too much”, which is code for “think what I think”.

Use your noggins, my friends. Don’t fall for the dark side. Know the difference between dhamma :poop: and dhamma :rainbow: .