I have not seen the video and heard his explanation of rebirth but the idea of citta as that which knows, can be seen, i believe, as a teaching that belongs to the buddhist teachings on the nature of mind.
These teachings distinguish what the mind seems to be 1. when there are still distorting elements in it and 2. what it shows to be when it is purified, without any distorting elements.
Distorting elements are things like me and mine making, engagement, conceit, conceiving, passion. These element when they are still present, distort our understanding of what mind really is.
For example, if things start to establish in the mind, take root, such as a notion of ‘I am’…the impression arises that what knows is some kind of mental entity at the base of all experiences or at the center of all experiences. The impression of a Me that knows. This is a distorted impression of what mind really is. A distorted understanding of what really knows. This distortion leads to suffering. That is why we need to purify mind from distorted perceptions.
What these teachers teach is that the nature of mind is NOT that things establish or take root. The nature of mind is merely its ability to give rise to. But attachment, engagement, an element of delight and desire, THAT makes that things establish in the mind. Without this element of engagement nothing establishes in the mind, nothing takes root. Things arise but never establish. The amassing of things in the mind is a way to describe dukkha. This is fully consistent with the the suttas but more important one can see this for oneself, right? Aggregation, amassing, heaping up things in the mind is like the arising of a weight on the mind.
But how would you describe mind in which nothing establishes or takes root? A mind without amassing?
When feelings and perceptions do not establish in a pure mind but still arise, means that mind remains like a totally open and empty dimension. Even with formations arsing this mind has always contacts that are empty, signless, undirected/uninclined, desireless because that is minds true nature.
It is not minds true nature that things establish. This is only how a defiled mind functions! There is also a huge difference between sense vinnana’s arising and establishing in the mind. They cannot establish without an element of engagement.
Many buddhist teachers teach that it is crucial to have the right understanding of what mind really is. But it it safe to say that there is no consensus about all this.
The tradition i like most learns that when all is stripped off from delusion and passion mind does not really show to be some stream, or something which can be localized but show to be more like a fully empty, open dimension suffused with clear light. Even when the total of samsara would be destroyed this is never destroyed.
It is not an atta or something individual.
This dimension is, for example, described in Ud8.1 but also in other suttas.
I believe no being is ever seperated from it. I believe that the suttas share that for one who knows, he/she also knows only suffering can cease and arise. There is never another cessation possible. This dimension does not cease.
Buddhist here believe this is more like Hinduism. Maybe you to. So be it.
We all have to see for ourselves.