What Does Anicca Mean?

Hi Mike,

My understanding is that that section of the FAQ:

Anyone advocating extremist or conspiracy theory views will be warned, and if they persist, banned. Examples of such views include ‘The Buddha was born in Sri Lanka’, ‘Anicca doesn’t mean impermanence’, ‘The original Pali manuscripts at Aluvihara exist’, …
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - #18 by faujidoc1

is not referring to alternative ways of expressing anicca such as “unreliable” (or translating dukkha as “unsatisfactory” or “stress”). Those are simply attempts to express the nuances of the Pali words in English. The FAQ is referring to the followers of certain (mainly Sri Lankan) teachers who claim that the usual English translations are completely mistaken about anicca, anatta, sankhara, etc. See for example: Explaining sankhāra="choices" - #29 by Coemgenu. Note the context in the FAQ: “‘The Buddha was born in Sri Lanka’, ‘Anicca doesn’t mean impermanence’, ‘The original Pali manuscripts at Aluvihara exist’,…”.