What does Gautama Buddha say about an End to the Saha World? And All Emancipation?

Hello Bodhisattva,

On this topic I choose to just accept the Buddha when he tells that some questions are unanswerable so it’s best to leave them aside. So we can focus on the goal of Right Knowledge and Right Liberation.

I think with the quote @Dhammanando cited, it’s not so much that the answer would be “heavy”, it’s that the question is attending unwisely and truly has no basis in the spiritual life. If for instance you hold to the view that all beings will or all beings won’t be enlightened that is having a view of strict Determinism. Fatalism was rejected by the Buddha because it argues peoples have no control over choice or intention.

This discussion, as well as your comment on divine essence, remind me about something @sujato wrote in another thread.

One of the culprits here is the elevationist tendency in white spirituality: everything is lifted from somewhere else and presented in the most hushed, awed tones of reverence, while at the same time any differences are explained away or ignored, because the highest value is ultimately not freedom or transcendence, but niceness.

This comment was about an entirely different topic(here’s Here’s a link to that thread . However the issue of “divine essence” this ultimate niceness. Which I’m not sure can really be taken from the Buddhist teaching. The goal is not an ultimate godhead or omniscience, but rather the ending of dukkha.