What does "Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Wisdom Publications" entail exactly?

Dear Bhante @sujato
I note that there are many (e.g. about a third of the Majjhima Nikaya) Bhikkhu Bodhi translations available under a Creative Commons … licence.

Copyright Attribution

It is wonderful that there are so many of Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translations available for non-commercial use. (I’d like ALL of them to be like that but that’s another issue)

For my purposes, I’d like to have footnotes but I understand your attitude to them and footnotes are summarily removed from translations posted to Sutta Central.

Therefore my question is: are Bhikkhu Bodhi’s footnotes part of the Creative Commons licence or are the Creative Commons versions of the translations “footnote-less”?

Thanks :anjal:
