What is NOT considered an Early Buddhist text?

Are these collections from the Khuddaka NOT considered to be Early Buddhist Texts?

  1. KHP
  2. Vimanavatthu
  3. Petavatthu
  4. The Jataka Tales
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These questions always have to be asked in terms of “by whom” and “by what definition of early”. The idea of EBT is such a very modern concept that it is otherwise difficult to answer. Which of course is ironic.

There is also the distinction between “teachings” and “form of writing”. For example people may find linguistical patterns in the Vv and Pv that they call “late,” while there is actually no novel doctrine found that would categorize them as late. So the stories could easily be from the time of the Buddha but the form we have them in could be later.


Only the present Sutra/Sutta and Vinaya pitakas, i.e. the extant collections of teachings (Dharma) and Sangha rules (Vinaya), are representing EBTs.

The extant EBTs are sectarian texts; however, their essential form (structure) and content, recognized in common by all schools of Sectarian Buddhism (Early Buddhist Schools), were certainly established in the period of Early Buddhism.

Cf. Choong Mun-keat: pp. 2-3 in The Fundamental Teachings of Early Buddhism, and pp. 3-4 in The Notion of Emptiness in Early Buddhism.

Pages 2-7 from The Fundamental Teachings of Early Buddhism Choong Mun-keat 2000.pdf (440.2 KB)

pages 2-5 The Notion of Emptiness in Early Buddhism Choong Mun-keat 1999.pdf (414.4 KB)

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