What is "paggahanimittaṃ"?

[quote=“Ngoc, post:4, topic:5453, full:true”]…Can we understand that: practice “samadhi” - effort practice “Vipassana” - practice Upekkhā (equanimity)?

To address your basic question – what practice to apply in view of this quotation.

It seems the sutta discusses not the details, the how-to, of any specific practice (e.g. sila/virtue, samadhi/concentration, or panna /insight-wisdom), but rather the perspective of pacing and balancing effort in pursuing one’s whole practice – how to know when it’s best to actively increase effort, when to actively lessen it, and when to just stand back and observe for a while.

I would suggest seeking advice from someone skilled in guiding others along the way, like V. Sujato, Bramali, Dhammanando etc. here, or some teacher of that caliber you may have personal access to. It’s a matter relative to an individual at a particular stage of their practice.

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