What is the meaning of Nama in Nama Rupa?

In this case how do we know who leans against who?

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Thanks for your most enlightening answer, @Maiev . By any chance, could you provide some reference/link to the above mentioned sutta ?

I think what we experience is derived form? Or should it be derived from form? Sights, sounds, sensations, flavours, odours etc.

Quite possibly.

But it does appear that the Primaries themselves are contactable, eg breath being classified under “wind”. But certainly, I would say that the length of a breath is very possibly not a Primary, but something derived.

What are we actually experiencing though? For example when walking by the sea I usually feel a slight pressure and coolness on my face, which I attribute to “wind”. Or when doing breathing meditation I feel sensations caused by the movement of my abdomen, or perhaps a slight sensation at my nostrils, both of which I attribute to “breathing”.

Has anybody come across a diagram (with overlappings) representing terms such as:

  • namarupa
  • citta
  • the five kandhas

@alaber, hope this helps.

Process of perception.pdf (484.7 KB)

with metta

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Many thanks, Mat.

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