What is Vinnana in five aggregate?

In the following video, Bhante @sujato explain five aggregate using the real-life model. He says that the Vinnana is developed in the latter part of the life. My question is what is Vinnana and whether it is developed at the beginning or latter part of life or it is coming from the previous life.
Is it the same vinnana in Dependent Origination?

I suggest you listen to the full video even though it is quite lengthy. It is well worth the time you spent.

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https://youtu.be/D482vPXBIeQ Might help understand too

@Pasanna you have to stop reading my mind.: grinning:
In regard to “which one is the tumb” I wrote that question and deleted from above post. By the way, it is good you answer my hidden question. However, it did not give me an answer to my question in OP. Thanks for giving me a definition for Vinnana.
The question whether the Vinnana in five aggregate is the Vinnana in DO still remains unanswered.

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Sorry I missed the 2nd part of your question. I just saw ‘what is vinnana’

As I understand it, it is the same. Consciouses are that which are aware of each of the 6 senses; nama-Rupa/mind-and-body/mentality-materiality.

So in DN15 the Buddha says:

“Ānanda, if one is asked: ‘Is mentality-materiality due to a specific condition?’ one should say: ‘It is.’ If one is asked: ‘Through what condition is there mentality-materiality?’ one should say: ‘With consciousness as condition there is mentality-materiality.’

“Ānanda, if one is asked: ‘Is consciousness due to a specific condition?’ one should say: ‘It is.’ If one is asked: ‘Through what condition is there consciousness?’ one should say: ‘With mentality-materiality as condition there is consciousness.’

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