What is wrong with a positivist interpretation of Nibbana?

Suggest you read the links I offered in the last post along with those by several Venerables who explicitly stated the position and translations about this sutta that offer different understandings from your interpretations.

Another is: What do you think about Ven Thanissaro’s view on Nibbāna?
And others can be found using the Search Function.

Actually, I was using the Pāli here. We just don’t agree on all the points. Fair enough.

For some reason, you keep attributing thoughts to me that I don’t have. And again, I don’t appreciate the use of judgmental terms like “weird” and “blindly” in discussions here.
Meanwhile, the translation I used in my prior post regarding “all existence” was by Ven. Sujato. So yes, here I’m following the translation of this highly respected scholar-monk.
I understand, and have read, other translations.

Your interpretation of Viññāṇassa

Consider reading DN15, where it’s explicitly stated that dukkha does not end for a non-arahant because there is craving and rebirth as the stream of consciousness and nāmarūpa combine to form a new being/dukkha.

Also, all the khandhas cannot end with the death of a non-arahant, as the consciousness aggregate remains – as in DN15, for example.
And since in MN43 perception, feeling, and consciousness are utterly interdependent and cannot be separated, these khandhas must also be present.

I respect your input but the use of judgmental words, as cited above, is something I’m not appreciating so I’m going to respectfully disengage.

Wishing you the best. :pray:

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