What qualifies as people on the path to the fruits of enlightenment?

Interesting question Venerable that could be discussed at length. Why? Because, as you probably know, the EBTs describe stream entry somewhat differently in different suttas.

For example, it seems like the most common definition of stream entry in the EBTs is one who has the four factors of stream entry: Experiential confidence in the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha, and noble ethics praised by the wise. In SN 55:7, the Buddha seems to define this type of ethics as maintaining the five precepts including the four types of right speech.

In other suttas, however, the Buddha will mention these same four factors of stream entry and then add another quality of ethics loved by the noble ones… for a total of 5 factors. However, it’s not clear to me what’s the difference between keeping the five precepts and the ethics loved by the noble ones.

SN 55:24-25 you may also find interesting. It involves a stream enterer who apparently grappled with alcoholism. As @Christopher mentions, this sutta also includes faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion, and wisdom as qualities of a stream enterer. However, it doesn’t seem to say that all these are necessary for stream entry.

To complicate matters, there are suttas like SN 12:41 that add having insight into dependent origination as an additional quality of a stream enterer. That said, I haven’t done a statistical analysis yet, but it seems like the most common description of a stream enterer in the EBTs is one who has the four factors of stream entry. Along those same lines, why would the EBTs call them the four factors of stream entry unless they were just that – the factors of stream entry?

That said, the Buddha in SN 55:6 describes the fourth factor a little differently as generosity:

A noble disciple who has four things is a stream-enterer, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.
What four? It’s when a noble disciple has experiential confidence in the Buddha … the teaching [Dhamma] … the Saṅgha … They live at home rid of the stain of stinginess, freely generous, open-handed, loving to let go, committed to charity, loving to give and to share. A noble disciple who has these four things is a stream-enterer, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.

Perhaps, in the pali version of this sutta, a word translated as generosity could include ethics, I don’t know. This sutta does seem a little like an aberration to define the fourth factor of stream entry as generosity instead of ethics.

with metta,