What sutta is : AN 2: iv, 6,

I got this sutta reference from Bhikkhu Bodhi’s “In The Buddhas Wrods”

AN 2: iv, 6,

I thought it was AN 2.46, but that isn’t the sutta.

Can anyone tell me how to properly interpret his citation?

This is the excerpt he referenced:

The brahmin Aramadanda approached the Venerable Mahakaccana,
exchanged friendly greetings with him, and asked him: “Why is it,
Master Kaccana, that khattiyas fight with khattiyas, brahmins with
brahmins, and householders with householders?”

“It is, brahmin, because of attachment to sensual pleasures, adher-
ence to sensual pleasures, fixation on sensual pleasures, addiction to
sensual pleasures, obsession with sensual pleasures, holding firmly to
sensual pleasures that khattiyas fight with khattiyas, brahmins with
brahmins, and householders with householders.”

“Why is it, Master Kaccana, that ascetics fight with ascetics?”
"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views,
fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding
firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.

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That citation is really weird.


A brahmin. Once when Mahā Kaccāna was staying at Vāraṇā on the banks of the Kaddamadaha, Ārāmadaṇḍa came to see him and asked him why nobles quarrelled with nobles, brahmins with brahmins, and householders with householders. “Because of their bondage and servitude to sensual lusts,” answered Mahā Kaccāna; and for the same reason recluses quarrelled with recluses. “Is there anybody in the world who has passed beyond this bondage?” “Yes,” said Mahā Kaccāna, “in Sāvatthī lives the Exalted One,” and he proceeded to describe the Buddha’s virtues. Ārāmadaṇḍa stood up with clasped hands and, turning in the direction of Sāvatthī, he uttered his adoration of the Buddha. Thenceforward he became a disciple of Mahā Kaccāna. A.i.65–67.

The citation A.i.65–67 is much easier to find. Open the AN, then in the center column of the various sections is the old pagination from some earlier version (iirc). This is what the rest means, and so:

Anguttara Nikaya
volume I
pp. 65-7

That should be AN 2.37. The “AN 2: iv, 6” could be AN 7.7, but only if we ignore the ‘2’ (and also the fact that it’s some dude Ugga in that one).

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Updating this old thread because I found myself looking for a citation for that quote again.

Dhammatalks.org: AN 2:36: Ārāmadaṇḍa Sutta

“And what is the cause, Master Kaccāna, what is the reason, why contemplatives dispute with contemplatives?”
“Brahman, it’s with relishing, possession, greed, bondage, & entrenchment in passion for views as a cause that contemplatives dispute with contemplatives.”

Suttacentral.net: AN 2.37 - Samacittavagga - The Chapter on the Peaceful Mind

“What is the cause, Master Kaccāna, what is the reason why ascetics fight with ascetics?”
“It is because of their insistence on views, their shackles, avarice, and attachment, that ascetics fight with ascetics.”

I still like this one the best, though there isn’t an online copy

“In The Buddha’s Words” by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Page 35. “The Origin Of Conflict”

“Why is it, Mater Kaccana, that ascetics fight with ascetics?”
“It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views,holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.”

In Majjhima Nikaya 18, the subject of the cause of quarrels was answered briefly by the Buddha, and later elucidated there by Maha Kaccana.

Bikkhu Bodhi’s overview study of Maha Kaccana in the suttas:

Maha Kaccana- Master of Doctrinal Exposition
