What to post and where

Im new here and wanted to know is this site more for sutta study group given there is a limited space where conversatons are still about the suttas but too general for discussion?


Hi @unveiledartist and welcome!

You can find all the information about what to post and where in the guidelines:


Is this site posts on this site geard towards sutta study? What do you consider Buddhist basics?

I read the rules and asking about clarification


Welcome to the forum @unveiledartist. :slight_smile:

As a member of the moderation team, I took the initiative and moved your post into the Discussion category. It’s good to see that you’ve jumped right in and are asking for clarification.

There is a decided emphasis on the forum for discussion of the Early Buddhist Texts (EBTs). Some of it is quite scholarly, and some threads are a bit more general but still reflect the EBTs as a reference point.

If you are ever in doubt, please feel comfortable enough to ask about a specific post, either in the thread or in a message to the moderators.

We hope you enjoy your time here!


You can ask any question regardless it is basic or advanced.
Do you want some instruction on how to start studying the Buddhist basics?

Actually,I’ve been practicing awhile and already took formal precepts. I learned more from the suttas (rather) even though I took precept at a Zen monastery closest to me. I go to another temple because of convinence but both arev Mahayana. I’m not familiar with any Mahayana sutras so Im in between with studying suttas. The closest Theravada monastery is two hours from me in the mountains. I’m familiar with In The Buddha’s Words but no where near scholarly.


Thank you. How do I recognize and contact moderators?


Good question.
We do not have a place to find who are the moderators and administrators.
Do we?
They are like the police in civil uniform.
Just joking.:sweat_smile:

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The About page is a Who’s Who for reference.


Cool. Found it. Thanks


Likewise, a smiling welcome to you @unveiledartist!

Most certainly! I know you already read the forum guidelines, but all the same, just to reiterate it says:

We are interested in discussing early Buddhist texts, their meaning and historical context, how these teachings evolve and relate to later traditions, and how they may be applied in the present day.

Naturally, conversations evolve in all sorts of directions and in some of the threads you’ll see here the connection to the EBTs is more implicit than explicit. In fact, the balance between text-focused and more general discussion it’s something the admins and mods were talking over recently and we’ve just added the following prompt in the post box when a new one is opened:

When writing, consider making it clear how your comment relates to the suttas.

(As and aside, I figure it should probably say “suttas and/or Vinaya” … :thinking: … Ayya @Vimala?)

Ultimately, the site is geared towards what people post on it, so please feel very warmly welcome to post all the sutta study topics and comments you care to.


Hello from another member of the moderator team.
You’ll recognise us by the little shield next to our names.

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