What was Jhāna, really?

Hi Rich. Good stuff! :heart:

I am maybe suggesting that: the mind opens up when the brain shuts down.

This of course doesn’t make sense if you equate mind with brain which is the dominant scientific theory at the moment. Having said that, I do note that Anil Seth at the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science (which is a just down the road from me), is trying his best to be neutral about this and not equate mind with brain when he speaks these days. He says it’s not necessary to make this assumption to do the science. Good on him!

The EBTs do not equate mind and brain do they? I think that they are at odds with the current cultural understanding of this. What do you think?

Has a meditator in jhana ever had a scan? How would we know, when we can’t get two people to agree on what jhana means? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, ‘knowing’ is a better translation - Sampajañña

Maybe?? But …