What would you classify aliens as in the 31 realms of existence?

Well, perhaps this may be an alternative explanation for it all… :joy:

Are Memories Really Stored In The Brain?

A Quantum Theoretical Non-local Model of Human Memory

Nicholas H.E. Prince

The possibility of a radically new mechanism to explain the
functioning of human long-term memory is considered.
After reviewing orthodox nodal and connectionist (internal)
memory models, an alternative model is proposed. This
model assumes at the outset that memories are not stored in
the brain at all. Rather it is proposed that the brain operates
more like an aerial rather than an internal memory storage
device. The model assumes also that decoherence effects
do not invalidate a quantum theoretical treatment of the
brain subsystems responsible for memory recall and it is
shown how memories are recovered atemporally (non
locally in time) from at least the past null cone of the
The cosmological consequences of the atemporal physics
underpinning the model are reviewed in terms of the nature
and emergence of well defined sub-atomic particles in early
times following the big bang. Also it is explained how the
model gives a quite natural explanation to certain reported
effects such as E.S.P, psychic phenomena and reincarnation