Where is this vinaya reference online?

Hi All
I hope this finds you well.
I’m looking for an online link to this passage:
Mahāvagga (IV 16.11) the Pātimokkha Rules are divided into two groups, one is sīla-vipatti (falling from ethics) and the other ācāra-vipatti (falling from good habits).
Can anyone help? I tried to find it in the Vinaya section on Suttacentral, but there is no obvious explanation or table showing the correspondences between various names of texts.
I’m guessing it might be in the Parajika section of the Bhikkhu Patimokha explanations.

‘‘katamā panāvuso, sīlavipatti, katamā ācāravipatti…’’ti? So ce evaṃ vadeyya – ‘‘cattāri pārājikāni, terasa saṅghādisesā, ayaṃ sīlavipatti; thullaccayaṃ, pācittiyaṃ, pāṭidesanīyaṃ, dukkaṭaṃ, dubbhāsitaṃ, ayaṃ ācāravipatti;

PTS V i 171

Oh, I found it by activating the Pali parallels with the English and looking at the PTS reference.

It’s on this page:
Kd 4: Pavāraṇākkhandhaka—Bhikkhu Brahmali

Do you know what failure in morality is?’ ‘Do you know what failure in conduct is?’ or ‘Do you know what failure in view is?’
‘jānāsi panāyasmā sīlavipattiṁ, jānāsi ācāravipattiṁ, jānāsi diṭṭhivipattin’ti?

best wishes

I know you found it, but this might help in the future.

The Mahavaga for vinaya is in the khandakas and IV is the 4th Khandaka, so in this case, that’s why it’s in Kd 4.