What do I take myself to be?

Hi Pete,

I am not sukha :smiley: and I try to keep the 5 precepts.

Not killing, not stealing, no sexual misconduct, no intoxicant are very easy to keep for me (I hardly have to think about them really).

Not lying in its most basic form is not too hard, albeit from time to time I catch myself distorting the truth…

I sure am no ariya (yet, but the potential is there, in all of us), but I try to live a simple life, because I don’t need so much anymore.

So my office (I work from home and have been for the last 13 years) is now quite roomy. Exit the big bookshelf, the desk is now against against the wall, and a small cabinet on top of which stand the printer is at a corner of the room. And there are 3 plants (2 standing on there own and a dwarf ficus on my desk).

Thus I have quite a large floor space from which I can sit and spend time with the triple gem, or with my daughters reading stories, helping with school work or whatever else they need or do (karaoke lately for the 10 year old one).

I start quite early in the morning but as discussed here on discourse it’s mainly to get ahead of others and enjoy the peace when everyone else is still asleep.

Most days I go buy some bread so I take a 30 to 90 minute stroll, depending on events.

This morning for example I stopped by a natural water pool and ended up saving a bee from drowning, and the bee recovered on my hand for a good 20 minutes, to recover from the nearly fatal experience it just went thru.

The evening has its routine as well as its adventures, making sure the kids don’t jump straight on the TV when they get back home, sorting out the bathing, preparing the table, doing the dishes, putting everyone to bed and eventually myself not long after :smiley: .

That’s about as much I would think is worth sharing right now. For everything else, it’s really about being a peaceful living organism in samsara, and that’s it :wink: (but that’s plenty enough already).