Who has the right to say what? Are most people somewhere in the middle on the political divide?

I feel this topic ties into Bhante @Khemarato.bhikkhu 's Stop glorifying centrism thread. Somehow if you aren’t on either side of the political spectrum , you are in the sane and well-balanced, neutral center. Really? I find many people I know who say they aren’t for either left or right, overwhelmingly vote conservative ( I’ve noticed this within immigrant communities. When they first arrive in the country, they tend to lean towards socialist policies. If they aren’t distracted and ‘scared off’ by issues like gay, aboriginal or minority rights or teaching sex ed in schools touted by vote hungry conservative politicians, they overwhelmingly vote left. Once they settle down-i.e get wealthy, they make a hard right :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. I don’t know if it’s the tax breaks or what, but it’s a very curious observation)

I’m unashamedly left in my politics. I don’t see any shame in admitting that when I see the alternative.