Why don't we have perfect verbatim records of the buddha-dhamma?

Well, I am definitely not one. I love exact citations and I am a bit of a bookworm. I would be very happy if we had a verbatim account of the Buddha’s words. However, it doesn’t really work for everyone, and I realize this approach has its difficulties. So, there are quite a few discussions about how Ajahn Chah’s words should be translated in English, since different translations seem to be interpreting his words in light of their own views. If you treat a text as an authoritative verbatim source, you may easily ignore some alternative interpetations. Something similar is discussed here. But yeah, I see wjere you’re coming from and I agree, that would be awesome.

Anyway, the facts seem to indicate there was and there could be no verbatim account of the Buddha’s words, no matter what your or I think would be awesome.