Why not have a progressive ‘Buddhist Council’ and the formation of a progressive monastic alliance (post discrimination)?

While entirely understandable, this is such a disheartening comment and really makes me pause to consider how on earth it is possible to get moderation right. It highlights for me the legitimacy and importance of task (when I was first asked and to this day I have an ambivalence about moderation, because first and foremost I’m drawn to the principle of self-moderation).

If people naturally tend to collapse SuttaCentral (a glorious website that houses the magnificent words of the Buddha) and Discuss & Discover (the forum) together, that to me is a pretty compelling case for maintaining the highest standard of speech possible on the forum—governed, naturally, by the simple guidance of abandoning false speech; abandoning malicious speech; abandoning harsh speech and speaking at the right time.

It is a point gnlaera has nobly tried to raise at least a few times before (one such example). Reading the comment above I have a stark sense of its significance, particularly as we are just now on the dawn of the new release of SuttaCentral. Having just a tiny sense of all the toil and developmental brilliance that has gone into it that and having just a tiny sense of the gleaming possibility (with a bit of luck and, of course, more toil from more quiet volunteers) of opening the door to the Buddha’s teaching to new readers that aided by this extraordinary resource might yet find their way out of suffering, I can by plea that folks start to take the community guidelines to heart and put them in to practice.

In the immediate terms, ERose, might I take the liberty of encouraging you to avoid D&D exactly as is suitable for you (actually, I avoid it myself sometimes), but softly suggest that SuttaCentral is something very much worth not avoiding.