Why Secular Buddhism is Not True

Oh hear! Hear!!!

It’s not enough to simply like your post @AnagarikaMichael …I need to say that I’m cheering it very loudly indeed!!!

Since our Guidelines have been quoted, I’d like to bring attention to this aspect of it too:

My emphasis.

So perhaps this, wasn’t such a good place to come from:

…again, my emphasis.

I was saddened to visit the forum referred to and find that words that caused the writer the most offense were quoted out of context, right at the start of his essay; where a busy reader, simply scanning quickly, would pick up an unfortunate and thoroughly inaccurate picture of Bhante Sujato.

Yes well, it’s when our deepest, dearest, most fixedly held ideologies are threatened; our blindest of blind spots, our thickest delusions; our bases of power and adoration; our sources of income, are threatened, that we begin to feel the need to discuss things and debate hard. And I’m including myself in this; I reckon our sore spots and hardest sense of self comes out to play in such situations. (Which is probably why posts about nuns/women/gender are still so very popular.) But then there’s others, like you Bhante, who are coming from a place of concern for the welfare of others, you’re not getting anything else out of this. I am all for you having regular and frequent access to caffeine!