Why ‘thoughts’ are not part of the things we consider as self?

A pali word for the verb to think is cinteti, it is related to the noun citta and the noun related to it is cintā.

In a related topic, Bhante @Sujato offered an interesting approach to the term citta:

Citta is to be developed and thus pertains to the fourth noble truth.

At the same time, we have terms such as sankappa and vitakka which usually allude to things in English we would use the word thought to describe.

I believe this may be a good opportunity for him (and maybe Bhante @Brahmali) to share with us their understanding on the question:

To what extent we have in Pali language and find in EBTs an appropriate direct and perfect equivalent to what in English we understand as thought?

My suspicion is that in English, the term thought is itself a quite versatile word used for describing many and not necessarily similar things pertaining to the non-physical aspects and realm of experience: images, verbalization, memories, perceptions, etc.

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