Wish to find the English meaning of the following Buddhist gāthā

Paññavantassãyan Dhammo ñayan dhammo duppaññassa,

dhammañcare sugar tan na nan dictation care?

Much appreciated your advice on how to get it translated into English? Sadhu anumodana🙏

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trusolo (on behalf of the moderators)

I believe this is from AN8.30

It’s for the wise, not the witless.”
paññavato ayaṁ dhammo, nāyaṁ dhammo duppaññassā”ti.

The second bit, I have no idea

This has typos in it, which make it hard to figure out what you are looking for. It’s not in the same sutta- as there’s nothing about ‘care’/walking


The second bit might be this from the Dhp169?

Live by principle, with good conduct,
Dhammaṁ care sucaritaṁ,
don’t conduct yourself badly.
na naṁ duccaritaṁ care;