Would the Buddha disagree with male ordination?

It was very funny and yes, it was brave because humor started being censored in the english world due to the postmodernist and deconstruction philosophy, a thing all comedians have been complaining about.

In my country, misogynistic jokes are the norm. And I’m quite an expert in them myself. Making jokes about man such as sujato article is done too but to a smaller extent.

The postmodernist and deconstruction theory tells us that this kind of jokes reinforce gender stereotypes and therefore are bad and increasing mysoginy or misantropy. This is what the deconstruction theory says, that they are bad. But the theory is wrong, things don’t work in reality as this theory says. Some theories are right, other theories are wrong. The radical postmodernist who believe everything comes from language even go as far as to say these kind of jokes are the reason why everything bad exist and not bad individual traits such as stupidity, greed or agression. This is the normal conclusion if you believe everything comes from language.

In reality, this kind of jokes reduce stereotypes and their influence on people. A man who is able to do mysoginistic jokes is the kind of one who is aware of the problem and is certainly not the kind of one to be serious about them. If a serious mysoginist sees this kind of jokes done by comedians, he will feel like they are speaking about him and loosen up a little, become aware of the problem, become able to laugh about himself a little. Such jokes have a huge positive effect on those that are joked about. As for woman seeing this kind of jokes (or man by case) it will make them realize they’re just stereotypes and will make them not take them too serious in the future. It will make these stereotypes have less power over them.

This is how things work in reality and why humor has a very important role in society. By being able to laugh things off and to realize most people find them funny, it makes those who are the subject of stereotype loosen up a little.

The postmodernist and deconstructivist theory is simply wrong and things are the opposite in real life. Some theories are right, other theories are wrong. This theory in particular is simply wrong. I’ve found Sujato article very funny and believe this kind of satire is useful.

EDIT: I want to point out that from a buddhist perspective, postmodernism is an extreme. Just like materialism is an extreme, claiming everything comes from the form aggregate and ending up contradicted by reality (neuroplasticity, placebo effect, etc.), or how solipsism is an extreme claiming everything comes from the consciousness and perception aggregates and being contradicted by how losing half you’re physical brain changes you’re experience - in the same way postmodernism is an extreme. It starts from the truth that a child rised in saudi arabia will be different than a child rised in USA. It then takes this truth to the extreme and claims “everything comes from social conditioning and language” and ends up contradicted by reality. It ends up saying the difference between male and female is done through how you rise up you’re children, denying the importance of physical matter or other things. And it ends up contradicted by reality, just like materialism or solipsism. It is an extreme.

There is a simile with 2 devils walking down the street and seeing a man find a piece of truth. One of the devil starts laughing and the other asks why. He answers “Don’t worry, he will soon build a whole ideology around that piece of truth and will stop looking for it all”. It’s the same thing with extremes such as materialism, solipsism, postmodernism etc. You take a piece of truth and say “everything comes from this”. And then you have people fighting like in the simile with an elephant, when a bunch of blind persons know just a part of the elephant. Materialist say “you are not taking into consideration this truth” with postmodernist replying “but you are not taking into consideration this truth at all” and you have strawman fighting with strawman. The modern debate is materialist (everything comes from form) vs postmodernist (everything comes from cultural conditioning and language) vs solipsist (everything comes from consciousness and perception). Buddhism is the middle way, proposing the 5 aggregate model.

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As you say later, this is satire. There is no answer to satire.


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I wish to add to Michael’s info that apart from killing each other for money, Thai men in monks’ robes also exploit the fact that no agency, ironically including the National Office of Buddhism, has the authority to audit monasteries’ finance. On top of that, some NOB officials conspire with these bad men to siphon monasteries’ money into their own pockets.

Many good monks have been asking for Sangha reform, but 1. many Thais are so ignorant of the dhamma that they think it’s a sin to criticise or interfere with the Sangha affairs, and 2. many influential figures, both laymen and monastics, pay no attention to the call as they have been enjoying the evil fruit of the corruption in the Sangha.