Wrong views due the khandhas being impermanent, unsatisfactory and not-self

Exactly! :+1:

And the buddhists in SN 22.81 who say there is no self at all as in:

and who also reject eternalism would come to exactly the same conclusion about Nibbāna as you just did right now. So do you now understand why I see your view as identical to the group in SN 22.81?

That is what is I’m trying to make you see, how would you refute that the annihilationists actually never became annihilated without the Buddha’s insights/teachings or any suttas? Even if you did it with the help of the advocates of the purity of spirit you’d still no nothing about anicca, dukkha, anatta. Right?

And if Nibbāna is truly no awareness it’s also impossible to say anicca, dukkha & anatta from no awareness.

So what is anicca, dukkha & anatta even based on?

Your view of Nibbāna is identical to those in SN 22.81 who also reject eternalism and is based on a certain logic and held on to dearly as a preconcieved notion about Nibbāna due to being 100% certain ”There is no self”.

And I’m sorry, sabbe dhammā anattā will not help you here:

@Jasudho Do you care to understand my perspective of following the Buddha’s advice and rejecting ALL concepts of self, ALL concepts of eternalism, ALL concepts of annihilation and also getting rid of doubts about the Buddha’s teaching?

Because that is what he was asking from anyone following him.