Live streaming through Discourse

Hi Bhante,

I had some spare time this morning to rip the audios from youtube and left them to upload whilst at your meditation class this arvo (thanks Shirley for the mp3 idea!).
Uploaded them to Internet Archive so they should stay good for a long time (was going to say forever but then thought…oops…anicca :smile: )

So here they are -

Workshop One

Workshop Two

Now I’ve started, I will do my best to rip and upload them after each lot of future videos appear.
If you have any suggestions, preferred upload sites etc then I’d love to hear them and make necessary changes or additions eg. Is it worth starting a seperate dedicated thread just for the audio files???

And finally, am looking forward to both yourself and Ajahn Brahmali’s teaching tomorrow at Dhammaloka. See you there!

With metta
