2022 Metta Retreat in Sydney led by Bhante Sujato

Bhante Sujato led a metta retreat in December 2022 in Sydney, and fortunately we can listen to his Dhamma talks.
I just had a self-retreat and tuned into these talks. They were excellent.
Although it was a metta retreat, the topics were quite comprehensive, I thought.
2022-12-24 19:00 Mettā Retreat Day 0 Night
2022-12-25 Mettā Retreat Day 1 Night
2022-12-26 Mettā Retreat Day 2 Morning
2022-12-26 Mettā Retreat Day 2 Night
2022-12-27 Mettā Retreat Day 3 Morning
2022-12-27 Mettā Retreat Day 3 Night
2022-12-27 Mettā Retreat Day 4 Morning
2022-12-28 Mettā Retreat Day 4 Night
2022-12-29 Mettā Retreat Day 5 Morning
2022-12-29 Mettā Retreat Day 5 Night
2022-12-30 Mettā Retreat Day 6 Morning
2022-12-30 Mettā Retreat Day 6 Night
2022-12-31 Mettā Retreat Day 7 Night
2023-01-01 Mettā Retreat Day 8 Morning
2023-01-01 Mettā Retreat Day 8 Night
2023-01-02 Mettā Retreat Day 9 Night

By the way, the original page has links to Bhante’s Friday Dhamma talks.

I am very grateful for allbeings and all things. Sadhu sadhu sadhu. :anjal:


Thank you so much Kaz for sharing this with us!
It was good to have you at Bodhinyana for the Rains!
I hope you are happy and well! :sunflower::pray:

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